Chicago – Deep in an enchanted woodland, beneath the whispering leaves and silver moonlight, an ethereal tryst unfolds with the release of Forbidden Love: An Elven Fantasy, starring Little Puck and Olive Glass.

Forbidden Love invites viewers into a dreamlike world where passion defies the laws of magic and mortals are granted a glimpse into a divine union, as Little Puck seeks out her forbidden lover, a luminous light elf, played by Olive Glass. These secret rendezvous are sacred, shared only in the safety of the shadows… until now. For the first time, they open the veil between their world and ours, allowing human eyes to witness their revelry.

“I’m thrilled to say Olive and I are already working on our next creation,” enthused Little Puck of her co-star. “Working with her is a dream – she is such a creative, beautiful genius and I’m jazzed af to keep exploring our fantasies together!”

Glass added, “Shooting a sexy fairy tale with Little Puck was magic—every moment felt like entering a world filled with whimsy, seduction, and deep beauty. I’ve been dreaming of collaborating with Little Puck for quite some time, and the reality of the experience totally surpassed my expectations. Get ready to be enchanted! This is only the beginning of our creative potential!”

Forbidden Love; An Elven Fantasy was shot by Robby Apples (@applecoremedia) and can be found at Little Puck’s OnlyFans and ManyVids, as well as Olive Glass’ OnlyFans and ManyVids accounts.

Fans can find out more about Little Puck’s latest endeavors on X @littlepuck, and visit and


Little Puck is a force to be reckoned with in the adult entertainment industry, effortlessly blending artistry, humor and bold sexuality to create a brand uniquely her own. Hailing from Chicago and now based in Los Angeles, Puck’s stage name is partly inspired by the mischievous fairy in Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream, reflecting her playful, magical energy and desire to challenge norms.

Growing up in a conservative Christian household, Puck broke free from a strict upbringing to find her voice in Chicago’s vibrant queer punk scene before transitioning to adult entertainment, where she began her career in 2013 as a cam performer and clip creator – building a loyal fan following from her sultry appeal as a cosplayer – her most famous is Greta Gremlin from the film Gremlins 2. Over the past eleven years, she has earned numerous industry accolades, including 2024’s AltStar Clip Artist of the Year and ManyVids Creator of the Year.

In addition to her stellar clip career, Puck ventured into mainstream adult entertainment in 2023 with her Brazzers debut, Fucking Movie Night, and has continued to cast her spell on devotees flocking to her OnlyFansManyVidsFanslyLoyalFans and Clips4Sale, lovingly dubbed the ‘Puck Pack’. For more info on Little Puck, visit

By Editor