Chicago – Fans of beautiful porn starlet and “Today’s Most Relatable Whore” Addis Fouche spoke at the first panel of The SW Survival Guide 2024 Conference last week in New York City on the subject of “Balancing Your Value and Setting Your Prices,” sponsored by Pornhub and Chaturbate.

“My love being able to use both my current experience as an advertising Senior Associate to share how I’ve designed my career around my income and my income around my career,” says Addis. “Setting your own rates is very subjective, so the panel was just as much about being vulnerable with my lessons and boundaries, as it was about money. I definitely suggest that any sex worker attend this summit next year.”

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You may follow Addis Fouche on Twitter at and on Instagram at

About The SW Survival Guide

Our mission: Provide free access to fundamental and integral information to the SW community.

With our conferences and online speaker series, we focus on making the maximum positive effort while reducing as much harm as possible for our community.

Seeing a need for sharing information, resources and education, we formed our organization to provide sensible solutions. SW founded, ran and supported to increase social equity.

Our amazing team is committed to helping others. We take our convictions and turn them into action. SW Survival Guide is where we stand together against those who oppress Black, brown, transgender, disabled and other marginalized people and often silenced voices.

No one should have to go it alone and life-saving information shouldn’t be gatekept. Rather than position ourselves as experts, we work in tandem and collaborate with community members and organizations to ensure that the right information gets to the people who need it.

 We work with and for everyone from veteran sex workers, those thinking about getting in the industry and allies.

 About Addis Fouche:

 Addis Fouché is a porn star, sex worker, entrepreneur, writer, content creator, public speaker, and Virgo (who won’t let you forget it!). “The Internet’s Most Relatable Wh*re” left her role as a Senior Associate in corporate advertising to now use a polarizing combo of modeling in mainstream adult films and honest multifaceted content creation to humanize sex workers. A native New Yorker, a fluent Chinese speaker, a distance runner, a fashion enthusiast, a sober person, and first-generation Caribbean woman: Addis is truly a force to be reckoned with.

By Editor