Chicago – Ricci Levy of Woodhull Freedom Foundation is this Week’s Guest on Adult Site Broker Talk.

Ricci has been engaged in sexual freedom activism for several decades.

In 2003, she helped found the Woodhull Freedom Foundation, a nonpartisan, nonprofit human rights organization dedicated to defending the personal autonomy of all individuals.

As the Executive Director, then President and CEO, Ricci has led Woodhull for more than twenty years.

Ricci has traveled across the country, offering testimony and speaking at conferences, often presenting contentious issues in a way that fosters collaborative dialogue, building bridges and alliances. Whether focused on censorship, the decriminalization of sex work, the shackling of incarcerated women in labor, or the right to family and reproductive justice, Ricci is always at the forefront, bringing human rights into the conversation.

Since its inception, the Woodhull Freedom Foundation has advocated for sexual freedom as a fundamental human right, on par with hard-fought liberties such as freedom of expression, the right to family, and the right to privacy. Whether engaging with students on the legitimacy of all consenting families or successfully imploring Congress to eliminate condoms as evidence of prostitution, Woodhull works alongside allies representing specific issues, identities, and communities while serving as an umbrella advocate for sexual rights as a whole.

The Woodhull Freedom Foundation is dedicated to changing laws, policies, and practices that deny or threaten our fundamental human right to sexual freedom. Woodhull played a crucial role in securing domestic partner benefits as a component of same-sex marriage, a detail at risk in the original legislation. They were also instrumental in ending Washington DC’s “Prostitution Free Zones,” which infringed on legally defensible rights, and lobbied to end the practice of shackling incarcerated women during labor and childbirth in Florida prisons. Additionally, Woodhull successfully lobbied to change the laws regarding sexting between minors.

By advocating for legislative, judicial, and corporate accountability and progress, the Woodhull Freedom Foundation stands as the preeminent voice at the intersection of sexual rights and human rights. It insists that the United States protect human rights, including those related to sexual freedom, rather than limit them.

Woodhull was the lead plaintiff in Woodhull Freedom Foundation versus the United States, the only Federal challenge to the deadly FOSTA unconstitutional legislation.

You can follow them on X @WoodhullFreedom

Bruce, the adult site broker, host of the show, and CEO of Adult Site Broker said: “I really enjoyed my conversation with Ricci. I love her dedication to the cause of protecting sexual freedom, which is so important to our country.

Adult Site Broker helps people buy and sell websites in the adult space. They are known as “the ethical broker” for their business practices. You can contact them on their website at

You can listen to Ricci Levy on Adult Site Broker Talk starting today at  

By Editor